Projekt 103: Karine Blanche Seror (F)

Projekt 103: Karine Blanche Emmanuelle Séror: Vitalis/Vita/Vitalitas



A journey from matter to immateriality. A journey through senses via drawings, video, performance, live music and scent. Everything would start with a touch and end with a scent.

Karine Blanche has been working on smell and the sense of smell for the last 10 years, questioning the rift between nature and culture. She practices her body as an instrument of measure and her work, a measuring unit of the instant. Today she engages the Alive in her work and inquires collaborative process with plants.

Termin: Mi 06.11.2019, 19 Uhr

k48 – Offensive für zeitgenössische Wahrnehmung
Projektraum Oliver Hangl

Kirchengasse 48/Lokal 2, 1070 Wien 

Unterstützt von: BKA-Kunst, Kultur Neubau, Wien Kultur-MA7
Powered by: Klangfarbe
Dank an: cyberlab, shu!, Brillenmanufaktur


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