multimedia installation
The multimedia installation “what remains of myself” combines different artworks based on the concept of avatar as mask and the obsession with the redefinition of the self as well as an anxiety about body boundaries, consciousness and subjectivity.
From Face-Filters to a Virtual Reality experience, the exhibition propose a new experience of corporeality and identity, a new artificial flesh and materiality.
Martina Menegon works with Interactive and Mixed Reality Art to create intimate and complex assemblages of physical and virtual elements that explore the contemporary self and its synthetic corporeality. She uses the body as interface between realities in order to incorporate the Virtual and create a dialogue with it.
Eröffnung: Di 03.03.2020, 19 Uhr
Ausstellung: Mi 04.03. + Do 05.03.2020, 12-15 Uhr
k48 – Offensive für zeitgenössische Wahrnehmung
Projektraum Oliver Hangl
Kirchengasse 48/Lokal 2, 1070 Wien
Unterstützt von: BMKOES-Kunst, Kultur Neubau, Wien Kultur-MA7
Powered by: Klangfarbe
Dank an: cyberlab, shu!, Brillenmanufaktur